Here is the trailer that David hates, but I'm sure every other Firefly fan will be pumped about.  I was going to post about the trailer lovingly, but it seems David got to it first.  Sadly, he didn't even post the trailer.

- Serenity is made of metal, and Firefly is a sci fi show.  Ask any nerd.

- Mal talked like a soldier and a captain on Firefly, and here he does the same because he is the same.

- These people are not Spartans.  They are regular soldiers on, what is most likely, a suicide mission.  Halo ODST looks to be the most human Halo story to date.  I have never been a fan of the single player campaigns in a Halo game.  This was because I never cared about Master Chief -- I always thought he was a terribly boring character.  It seems Bungie is trying something different with this game, and Metal Mal is at the very least adding a human voice to a series that never had it.

- There are way more Halo fans than Firefly fans.  I seriously doubt Bungie is trying to trick anyone into buying this game by adding in a voice cast that "everyone" loves.  My guess is that they are just huge fans of the series and this is their dream cast.  Ask me who I would choose to voice a game I was making...  Yep, Nathan Fillion would be the voice of Delita Hyral in Final Fantasy Tactics 2 -- It would be fucking amazing.

- The most important part of Firefly is not horses and western towns.  Firefly is about a crew and a ship, and the man who struggles to keep them together.  No, Halo ODST might not do it as well as the show did;  but if the game is striving to exude the same spirit of Firefly, then at the very least we know the game is headed in the right direction.

- I would prefer my Firefly characters' voices coming from ODST armor than from low polygon quest givers in a shitty looking Firefly MMO I will never play.  So if the trade-off is their voices in a AAA game versus a shit one that will never get made, then I choose the former.

Call me a sucker.


P.S.  The young lady in the trailer is voiced by Caprica Six from Battlestar Galactica.  I hope she manages to not sound like a robot.



  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    That trailer got me pumped, and I'm not really a big Halo fan. Sold!

  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    I'll consider it. Not too much of a Halo fan, but making it more "human" looks interesting. And I loved Firefly btw.

  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    I like the way this trailer makes it feel like it isn't your usual Halo game, i'm not a big Halo fan, but I do believe I will give this one a try.

  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    I was originally not interested in this game at all, but that trailer is very impressive. I'm still pretty skeptical, but I'll be keeping an eye out for this game.

  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    I've never seen firefly or that other thing, but from where I'm sitting, this looks pretty nice. That guy with the red hair has the biggest nose I've ever seen, though.

  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    Scratch that, Brown hair. Damn my eyes.

  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    this is probably the first and only time i will ever look forward to a halo game. like brad said, it seems the story will actually be good.

    its funny to see how many people are excited about the return of the halo 1 pistoll. granted it is actually useful now so thats a big help.

    something i do wonder, does microsoft own halo or is it bunjie that owns the halo franchise? could bunjie go third party with halo or is it one of those deals they have with microsoft?

  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks for setting the story straight, Brad.

    ODST's single player campaign looks leagues better than the Halo series', and though I've long since traded my 360 for a PS3, this trailer did a great job of giving me reason to miss Microsoft's side. Good stuff.

  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    That trailer was actually pretty awesome

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    14 years, 8 months ago

    zekana... just a note. I think people are not excited about the return of the pistol from halo one because of nostalgia factors. while you seem to believe its not useful, you must of not used it correctly in halo 1 or even played it.
    in halo one you could take out an elite in 3 hits.
    in multiplayer you could take out another person in 3 hits.
    nough said

  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    actually, the girl is Tricia Helfer, who was on last season of Burn Notice as the evil Carla. Innocent mistake.

  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    I'm glad it's more human like but i'm tired of halo off-spins which, if like halo wars, will do poorly.

  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    It looks good, as long as the story is central. I'm just worried that it might turn into a prequel to Halo and "the Rookie" could end up being Master Sarge. That would suck.

  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    this looks sick, i've always wanted to be a regular person instead of the all-powerful master chief, it just opens the game up to many more possibilities, instead of just 'run in there, kill everything, hit some buttons, drive a warthog while everything explodes'

    plus, i f***ing love Firefly and Serenity. if any current-gen game that doesn't suck had that cast, i would play it, end of story.

  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    I really want this game now.

  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    As much as I love the look of this game, and Nathan Fillion (squee), my lack of a 360 makes me almost sad.


  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    This makes me want the game SOOO much more now!

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    14 years, 8 months ago

    It's a Halo game, so I very seriously doubt it will be bad but, man, a mini-Firefly reunion. I'm seriously considering buying this for that very reason. I probably won't be able to resist picking up ODST.

    Yeah, I watch Castle because of Nathan Fillion... Well, that and Stana Katic is pretty cute.

  • Avatar
    14 years, 8 months ago

    I love the Halo universe I want to play it to see the side story of the ODST.

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    14 years, 8 months ago

    I hope i get to see Mal deck one of his crewmates

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    14 years, 8 months ago

    I never really loved Halo, but I definitely never hated it either. All the games at least have some decent parts to them, and this game looks like it has a lot of potential to be great. It looks like they're focusing on single player a lot, a part that I thought was one of the weaker sections of the game. If the single player turns out to be great, I would definitely check this game out, and the trailer is just making me more excited.

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    14 years, 8 months ago

    So Brad , you buying this then?