
The most recent game in the Call of Duty series, Black Ops, developed by Treyarch,  lands right between previous Duties' World War 2 setting and the Modern Warfare series' present day setting. Want to know  my thoughts about it? Read ahead, and if you're lazy, scroll to the bottom for the major points.

Call of Duty: Black Ops (360)
Publisher: Activision
Released: November 9, 2010

Black Ops is set during the cold war in the sixties, a tumultous time of war, hippies and global distrust.  The main character, Alex Mason (voiced by Sam Worthington) is a special operative doing covert missions for the CIA.
I wanted this game to pull off that "covert" feel against previous games' themes of courage and well, duty; knowing that what you were doing was very secret -even shady- of high importance and of a doubtful nature. The game does well at this.  Most of the game's success at this aspect lies in its setup.  The game is told as Mason is questioned for information needed to save America (!) while flashbacks of his previous missions that lead up to this interrogation make up the game's levels.

The game is pure action movie cliche that has characters narrowly escaping danger and always fighting against overwhelming odds. That this is cliche does not make it a bad thing, it is entertaining for the most part and the story has some interesting moments of intrigue.  Added to this, there are some crazy weapons like flamethrowers, crossbows with explosive tips, and shotguns that shoot fire. The game is also really gory and brutal at times. The more powerful guns will tear off enemies' limbs and explosives will sometimes blow them to pieces. There are also some melee kills that are really brutal and which in my opinion cross the line.  I can see how they might seem apropiate within the gritty, "unclean" context of covert operations but they quickly feel out of place and put in for shock value in what really is an arcadey shooter.  The best thing about the single player is a mission that lets you play from the perspective of two different characters. Previous Call of Duty games have had you take control of different characters in different places, an effective technique in showing the global scope of war.  Replaying the same scenario, at the same time through the viewpoints of different characters is a device that I want to see used more often.

Everyone loves this guy. I liked Hudson better. Also, Ice Cube in the background.

Unfortunately, the gameplay in this is pretty bland. Sure, there are different sequences that have you shooting from vehicles, or during intense circumstances that require you to play different, but they are not that common and the main filler of the game is plain walk some, shoot some, repeat. Firefights have you mostly shooting at enemies at longish distances while smoke, fire and flying debri obscure your view. Take damage, hide, pop out and shoot at the enemies that you are able to see. A lot of parts seem more like target practice than entertaining run and gun combat.

The way the game handles difficulty does not help either. As in previous games, there are points where enemies will spawn continuosly and fire on you with deadly accuracy until you get to a trigger point which moves the game along to the next shooting gallery.  This does not make the game challenging, it makes it annoying. Really, really annoying.  If you want to play this game to enjoy its story and feel like a Black Op badass, play it on Easy. I'm serious. While in previous games I enjoyed the challenge of playing in higher difficulties, it no longer feels worthwile to do so.

As everyone knows, the zombie mode from World at War is back. It is deliciously campy and difficult.  Not a lot of change there, but still, great fun.

You say this game has multiplayer? Well. It sure does. Here are my thoughts:

Multiplayer has some improvements over the previous games in the series, some new ideas and systems, and a couple of flaws.
The usual game modes are all here: Deathmatch, CTF, Domination, HQ etc... there are several variants of games in which one can disable perks and killstreaks for a purer shooter experience. The perks and killstreaks in the game are simpler in a good way. Instead of  letting players combine certain perks to allow a ridiculous play style, they instead give small advantages in specific situations; this cuts down majorly on the "what the hell was that" factor.  Killstreaks no longer count towards themselves, so it is more difficult to steamroll over an entire team because of a lucky sucession of kills.  The explosive RC car is really annoying, though. It only takes 3 kills to obtain it and it is a guaranteed cheap kill.

Along with that infuriating new RC car perk there are also several new pieces of equipment: remote cameras, motion sensors and distraction devices. These, if used well, will help lead a team to victory in matches of Domination or other similar games. However, they can also be used effectively by campers.

A good dose of  pwnicilline will take care of that case of nOOb condition. Not pictured: RC car killing everyone

Unlocks work different than in previous games. Instead of merely unlocking stuff as you level up, perks, items and weapons are unlocked by getting to a certain level but are unavailable for use until you purchase them with in-game currency. On the plus side, this allows players to get to what they want, quickly and with no distractions. However, there are some issues. Asides from 'Contracts' (Challenges that you buy and that then pay you back in CoD points when completed) the game doesn't tell you how many points you are earning in a match until you get paid. After consulting some outside sources, I found out that the amount of CoD points earned per match equals 10% of your XP, sans challenges or contracts. Well now I know, but I think the game should have told me this.  The other problem I see with this mechanic is how it will relate to the prestige system. When a player hits the maximum level in other games, he or she has unlocked everything and may prestige. However, in this game, being at maximum level might not mean the player has access to everything.  It also means a player will have to expend additional effort and time just to try out something new.

I liked the maps in this game. They don't feel cluttered and it is easy to catch an unsuspecting enemy scurrying away  in the distance.  There are some of them that have doors you can open for a teammate to reach an objective quicker or dangerous areas that can kill. This should have been in more maps. However, the maps are fairly open so unless you huddle down in a little corner it's hard to constantly watch your surroundings to avoid getting killed. Some people might be annoyed by this.

Wager matches are a new mode in which you put down money to compete and only the top three players get paid out.  They are fun and really, really tense, as it is very easy to leave empty handed but some of the matches that work around a set number of player lives can keep you waiting as a spectator for a while should you die quickly.  These are fun to play every now and then but if the wager matches were all the multiplayer offered, I bet not as many people would play.

Multiplayer mode has a killer stats mode that keeps track of everything you've done.  You can look up graphs showing your performance over the last couple of matches, diagrams showing you where kills took place in a map and even a paper doll showing you where you have been hitting your enemies. Online games usually get  better at stat-tracking with each release but I'd like to call Black Ops' "Combat Record" the minimum standard for the future.

However, the multiplayer looks a little more 'budgety' than the campaign.  The player models aren't as detailed and sometimes textures (especially in gun models) will look muddy.  I also had the game slow down to unplayable a couple times, this both  in campaign and multiplayer.  There were some connection problems as well; sometimes when trying to join a game as a party, we would be split up and placed in different games, and other times trying to join a game by myself took a really long time.

With all this said, my final opinion is that Black Ops has a decent story line, setup  and some good moments that get lost amongst the repetitive bang bang bang and the cheap and misused gore.  Slight connection problems aside,  the multiplayer is fun for a while (because it is more of the same), streamlined and mostly balanced with every perk, killstreak and piece of equipment serving a purpose. Time will tell if people learn to abuse them but there doesn't seem to be  much potential for that.  Also, while I'm sure the game has plenty of staying power with it's robust multiplayer, for me it began to feel like a chore after playing enough to write this review.  Call it fatigue but I don't think Black Ops is a game that I will be coming back to as often as other online shooters.

Score: 70 out of 100

(70-79%: Solid - A solid title that has a few major issues.)


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    13 years, 6 months ago

    If you keep getting ambushed because of spy planes, run the Ghost perk. If you keep getting blown up by RC cars, run the Flak Jacket perk.

    You probably are feeling burnt out, as many others are. The downside to that is, you don't really have a choice when it comes to multiplayer shooters. If you decide to pop in another game you run into many problems. Small playerbase, so finding full games takes a while. Lack of skill amongst the lobby. The cream of the crop are going to be playing CoD/Halo. Any other game you'll get the occasional person who is pretty good, but for the most part it's just people who have trouble keeping up.

    One thing to try is change how you play. If all you play is TDM, try playing SnD. If you normally play solo, use your status and run full parties with the community. If all you do is "Pub stomp" try setting up/join a GB team and play a little more serious. Something to spice the game up for you so it's not just the same old thing.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Carlos, I gotta agree with you, it's a pretty solid game. The campaign gameplay is excruciating, but the story is better than most CoD stories. The Multi is definitely more enjoyable than MW2, and it seems less campy. All in all I'd recommend people try it out, maybe rent before you buy just to see if it's your thing.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    I pretty much agreed with everything in this review...so..yeah

    Nice review Carlos

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    so, Call of Fatigue: Black Ops? :V

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Nice review. I expected a higher score from you Carlos, but I am happily surprised.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    I really hope that the COD series is going to take a year off, cause this is getting a bit old now.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Good thing I planned on buying some older games that are supposedly a lot better (Beyond Good and Evil) for the holidays.

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    Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops (Xbox 360) | 4Play
    13 years, 6 months ago

    [...] The most recent game in the Call of Duty series, Black Ops, developed by Treyarch, lands right between previous Duties’ World War 2 setting and the Modern. call of duty reviews – Google Blog Search [...]

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    Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops (Xbox 360) | 4Play
    13 years, 6 months ago

    [...] The most recent game in the Call of Duty series, Black Ops, developed by Treyarch, lands right between previous Duties’ World War 2 setting and the Modern. See original here: Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops (Xbox 360) | 4Player Podcast [...]

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    Well said, It gets tiring seeing a new CoD each year though. Even though I brought this one....to play with the friends, It's getting annoying tossing out 65$ each year(59.00+ NYC tax lol).

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    I too expected a higher score from you, Carlos.
    Cool review anyway, I do like the more balenced mulitiplayer than MW2, however the RC-XD does piss me off sometimes. I use it to my advantage, Hardline + RC-XD = If you can't beat them join them.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    I totally agree with you on this review. Personally, I found the campaign to be quite exciting except for the repetitive gameplay tactics involved. Like you stated before, the zombie mode is simply about camping somewhere and it gets tedious having to buy weapons or unlock newer rooms to progress through the maps. In a realistic situation, this wouldn't have occurred unless someone was behind the door keeping it locked. Alongside this, I reckon the multiplayer has evolved from a game about skill into a game which judges who is the better camper or nooblet capable of using the unfair weapons or tactics.

    But yeah, it was a decent title and clearly Treyarch has done a better than Infinity Ward with an intriguing storyline that kept me entertained until the end. I do wish there were more missions that had a Vietnam-esque atmosphere and perhaps there could have been more of a relationship between your squad.

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    13 years, 6 months ago

    I don't get it. People are OBSESSED with this game since gloating and trashtalking is allowed. Even the fucking game mocks you with the killcam. Every year, everyone wants a piece of the super-explody-bullet-maniac action moments instead of getting something that is extremely underrated. I admit that the game is fun at times, but it just makes me feel bad that I have to deal with "swagger-ish" douchebags (or what ever the fuck that means).

    I would not be fucking surprised if the next cod multiplayer is the same and/or you have to pay a fucking subscription. As I said from previous posts, Activision knows that people are stupid and are like sheep when it comes to CoD. It's fucking demoralizing, yet no one notices it.

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    13 years, 5 months ago

    If you're feeling tired of playing, it's because there's a serious grind typically up until the mid-twenties in terms of leveling in multiplayer. Good strategies are: 1. If you have good reaction time, get Lightweight and an smg like AK74u and use any combo of grip, rapid fire, or silencer 2. If you have relatively good marksmanship and don't want to run as much, buy an assault rifle like the Famas and use a reflex site and extended mags 3. If you like laying down bullets to get kills, get an lmg like the M60 and use a grip 4. Don't use shotguns, snipers, or camera spikes 5. use second chance and make it pro, you'll get plenty of kills and typically one of your mates will come help you up.

    I give it a 70 for the single player campaign (I generally agree with the review there).
    However, I give it 99/100 for multiplayer. It's really the best multiplayer out there, nothing really compares to it. You also forgot to account for the Zombies mode, which is very fun. My reason for 99 and not 100? The RC-XD kill streak.

    Goddamn RC car...

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    Marsh D Teach
    13 years, 5 months ago

    It amazes me that out of all the people at my school who do any significant gaming, the only things they ever show interest in is Halo, and CoD. And they all get hyped up and excited like a herd of like-minded sheep when a new release for one of these games comes out. Its sickening. Ok, its nice to have common ground with people and have that one game that the majority can enjoy and talk about.

    But when its treated as though its the only thing worth playing and all those other good games are left out to collect dust in stores, its just stupid.

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    13 years, 4 months ago

    Good. I knew me and my friends weren't the only ones getting separated trying to find matches.

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    13 years, 4 months ago

    IMO Black Ops is extremely fun for the campaign, which I thoroughly enjoyed (though where the hell is my co-op?) and also the zombies, which is endless fun for four players with two unique and highly replayable maps, and the wager matches in multiplayer. Honestly, though, it doesn't go any further than that. The spawns in multiplayer were broken when the game came out (causing enemy players to spawn 10 feet behind you after you kill them, and advocating the oh-so-hated spawn-kills), and they still are, and that simple fact turned me off from regular multiplayer completely. Every time I play the game this flaw is glaringly obvious, and I immediately stop playing because of it. A week later, rinse and repeat. Even the combat training bot matches are the same way, and the AI is programmed in the worst possible way. Treyarch should take a hint from Valve and get some Counter Strike bot action going on in there. That would at least make me want to play the game a little bit more, because after beating the campaign and playing zombies matches 10,000+ times, the game is pretty boring. Again, all personal opinion, a lot of people probably don't think the game is as broken as I do.

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    13 years, 4 months ago

    I only like the zombie games on it the most. You can get hours of fun or ruin it for the entire team. Its good, but Playstation 3 version, to me, is better

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    Roy Mustang
    13 years, 4 months ago

    They never did fix the crappy spawn locations, lag and disconnects for no reason and Ak74u is way to over powering....

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    Review: Killzone 3 (Single Player) | 4Player Podca
    13 years, 2 months ago

    [...] You ask. “You had no problem giving a single score to a game with a similar formula, namely, Call of Duty: Black Ops“. Well, What happened with Black Ops is that while its single player mode wasn’t [...]