Continuing in the very slow, painful, and public disgracing which Nintendo has chosen to subjugate itself, both President Satoru Iwata and Nintendo Europe have issued a public apology to current 3DS owners feeling spurned by the sudden price drop of the system.

In a statement translated by Giantbomb, Nintendo lays itself out on the bloody mattress for a good walloping by public opinion.  One can tell that Nintendo is s feeling the heat. Suddenly they have painted themselves into a corner with both the 3DS and the Wii-U, and as they are finding it harder and harder to find their place in the contemporary gaming market, the villagers' murmuring is becoming more evident.  "Sega" they are beginning to say. "Nintendo is becoming Sega."

Check out the statement below.

"In the past, there have been price drops for video game systems some time after their release in order to broaden the user base further. However, never before has Nintendo chosen to issue such a dramatic price drop less than 6 months after a system release," Iwata wrote. "We are all too keenly aware that those of you who supported us by purchasing the 3DS in the beginning may feel betrayed and criticize this decision."

"This unprecedented timing for a price cut is because the situation has changed greatly since we originally launched the 3DS. We decided it was necessary to take this drastic step in order to ensure that large numbers of users will continue to enjoy the 3DS in the future," Iwata continued. "If the software creators and those on the retail side are not confident that the Nintendo 3DS is a worthy successor to the DS and will achieve a similarly broad (user) base, it will be impossible for the 3DS to gain popularity, acquire a wide range of software, and eventually create the product cycle necessary for everyone to be satisfied with the system."

Personally, I have little doubt that Nintendo will find it's way out of the brine here.  It might take some drastic steps on their part, which have actually already begun, but I think that calls detailing "The end of Nintendo" are fairly premature. Nintendo have always been masters of reinvention.  They just need to get those inventors working double-time.


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    12 years, 9 months ago

    Yup, it's that third party support, maybe they still don't see the 3DS can change gameplay? assuming it can... |:

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I still think a lot of the titles they're offering are really good. Metroid Fusion? Yes please.

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    Macklin Farrell
    12 years, 9 months ago

    Lets hope they actually follow through with that "Revolution" bit this time. Then again, maybe its a little ignorant of me to say that the Wii didn't revolutionize gaming, after all, everyone and their dog seems to be copying Nintendo nowadays. :P

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    If Nintendo left the console industry, it might be the saddest day in gaming ever

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    pretty sad to hear such news on Nintendo's end. Hope that Nintendo can get back on their feet in the future.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I really hope Nintendo can bounce back. These are the effects of playing with the casual market for too long, relying on gimmicks and not enough quality games. At least, that's what I think.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    If Nintendo dies, gaming Dies, Both Sony, and Microsoft have never really Innovated gaming, they both copy Nintendo's every little step
    -Analog Stick by Nintendo-Sony uses it on the PS1,Rumble pack = Dual Shock- Motion Control-eye Toy/PsMove-Kinect

    If Nintendo dies than there will be no more Truly Great games either, it seems like their the only ones who put effort into games anymore. Its sad that gaming has mostly become kids 4-16 holding down RT =,=

    But once the 3DS Price Drops, it will sell like Hot Cakes, and when Zelda comes out it will probably sell well too.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    Personally I don't see why Nintendo is apologizing at all in this case. Early adopters of any piece of hardware take the risk of having said hardware reach a lower price at some point in the future. The people who purchased the 3DS at launch did so because they felt that price was fair and worthwhile. Apologizing to those people for dropping the price to bolster sales is, IMO, unnecessary.

    I don't think this "funk" will last very long. Nintendo will never be Sega, last I checked Nintendo still developed games I enjoy.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I guess it just goes to show that Nintendo will not always be on top of the gaming world and that they can't only stick to the casual audience. MAYBE, or maybe not, this will get theme to do some more games to appeal to the fans.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    They better apologize to me for the fact that I haven't owned a Nintendo device since the N64 by gifting me a free... uh.. PS Vita? Does that work? I guess not, never mind, not an issue for me! Move along.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    the 3ds just doesnt work for me, thats why i wont buy it, but man i saw this coming.....

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I see Nintendo as the gaming company for kids wanting to get into gaming. Like some of you guys, I started gaming when I was maybe 8. The console I first played? The original Nintendo system. From then on, my taste in gaming has continuously evolved. If Nintentdo goes under like Sega, dude...there's going to be a lot fewer gamers out there.

    Nintendo has made some mistakes before and they've bounced back. They'll bounce back from this. Remember the good old days of the GameCube?

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    Aged Milk
    12 years, 9 months ago

    It all falls on third party support, it's ignorant for Nintendo to think everything it touches will turn to gold.

    Nintendo needs to to not only convince developers that there will be an audience for their products on Nintendo's devices; but Nintendo also need to innovate on the software front, not just the hard-tech front. They need fresh, NEW and innovating first party titles that aren't just rehashes of old franchises if they want their new systems to succeed in the way they did in the past.

    I think(and this is just a speculative opinion) that there's a very high chance that the success of the Wii was a one-off, and it's most likely the reason the new console even has "Wii" in it's name. The casual gaming market is a very unstable flock, and they are often hard to herd back into line; easily duped, but not easily convinced. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. What worked for them then, wont necessarily work now and they need to be prepared encase that a large bulk of that audience doesn't return for the WiiU.

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    Mr. Calico Cat
    12 years, 9 months ago

    Well, Nintendo practically pushed the panic button since people aren't really excited for the 3DS.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    Who could still be mad at Nintendo for everything they have been doing recently? (Free games, price drop etc.)

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    I'll only buy the 3DS and Wii-U if it gets good 3rd party support. I'm tired of most of their first party titles and just want to see more good 3rd party games released.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    Ya, to me this handheld certainly does not live up to my expectations after the 3ds.

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    Actually Macklin Farrell out of Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft in the gaming console platform Sony technically did the motion thing first. May I remind everyone about the PS2's Eye Toy. There was a fitness game for it called "Eyetoy Kinetic" which used the eyetoy to map your movement in a fitness game.

    (assuming you were saying that sony/microsfot copied nintendo on motion software for games)
    Also it would be ideal to point out that it was called "Kinetic" ---> Kinect=eyetoy-esqe bar for the xbox that maps your movement. Using said logic it would seem Sony has been copied by both parties but I do believe before the Eyetoy there was a lesser system from some unknown company that had some sort of movement based control as well the name just slips me currently.

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    Free Griffin » Blog Archive » Linkstor
    12 years, 9 months ago

    [...] 10. Early adopters were so pissed about the price drop that Satoru Iwata penned an official apology for ... [...]

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    12 years, 9 months ago

    It almost seems like they did this just to stir up hype, but what purpose what that serve. I agree that Nintendo isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but if this action becomes habit my friends are definitely "pulling out of the Nintendo station" if you will.

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    Guess what! That 3DS right circle pad attachment i
    12 years, 8 months ago

    [...] have been floating around about a right circle pad attachment for the 3DS since that Nintendo kerfuffle a few weeks ago. You know, the one where they lowered the price of the unit, apologized to [...]