Saints Row: The Third is getting super powers.

I'll just leave that there for a moment so you can take it in. Really, I could stop this article here and not even expand on it. With Saints Row you almost don't even have to. Simply think of the craziest thing your mind can conjure and you've probably hit the nail on the head.

Called "Enter the Dominatrix," this upcoming expansion for Saints Row: The Third will be hitting in the fall, and  pics up where the end of The Third left off and now, according to the press release, "alien warlord Zinyak has eyed Earth and its precious natural resources and females with a watchful eye. As he prepares an armada for invasion, he has only one worry: the Third Street Saints."

This alien warlord then kidnaps the leader of The Saints and sends him (or her) to bondage in a world of virtual reality that looks just like Steelport. This is where the super powers come in, and I'm getting a nice NEO / Matrix vibe from the whole thing.

THQ has also stated that this expansion will be a $30 standalone, boxed, expansion that can be played even if you don't own the original game. Good news for those of us who really couldn't get into the side missions and found there just wasn't much to do in Steelport after finishing the main story.


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    12 years, 10 months ago

    Unfortunately, the entire game was side missions.

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    Yeah, I didn't like that about Saints 3 either. "You want to take over Steelport? Do these side missions from 2, but now they're part of the main story."

    I can't wait for this DLC. I had fun with the super powers in the Trouble with Clones. Can't imagine getting them for the whole city.

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    Sounds kewl!

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    Shut up and take my money THQ

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    didnt the last DLC give u superpowers for the missions in that DLC? i remember running real fast and throwing hadokens

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    "THQ has also stated that this expansion will be a $30 standalone, boxed, expansion that can be played even if you don’t own the original game."

    Good, because I traded it in, due to the boredom that ensued after the main story. :B

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    I miss when cheat codes were free. If San Andreas came out today things like super speed and flying cars would be DLC.

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    I welcome more saints row

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    and I thought my opinion on this series couldn't get any lower bravo saints row bravo.

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    Aged Milk
    12 years, 10 months ago

    The side missions being in the main story never bothered me seeing as how I'm a completionist with these kinda games. More content is always welcome. :P

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    12 years, 10 months ago

    This doesn't change the fact that Steelport is still a boring ass generic setting.

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    THQ Cancels Saints Row: The Third 'Enter the
    12 years, 8 months ago

    [...] awhile ago we wrote about the “Enter the Dominatrix” expansion for Saints Row: The Third. You know, the one where you would be abducted and put [...]